Lorrelle Klinger


Asset Management

Lorrelle Klinger is a seasoned multi-family expert and asset manager with two decades of experience managing assets in the mid and luxury markets. Through her network she forms long-term partnerships with owners to create value strategies and high-performing revenue streams. What makes Lorrelle unique is her white glove yet hands-on approach, acquired over a decade on the property management side of the business. She has worked in many roles, advancing from sales-driven leasing to regional VP overseeing all facets of the business.

Through her work on 25 lease-ups (4,046 units) and multiple renovations and stabilizations, she has developed an in-depth knowledge of the rental landscape. Lorrelle has a proven track record of maximizing financial results. She has achieved market defining renewal rates through her ability to create desirable lifestyle properties that attract the most discerning clientele. From hiring and training best-in class staff to developing systems to ensure consistency across all roles, she understands and delivers a five-star customer service experience. She takes a proactive approach to identifying and addressing any potential concerns to protect the asset. Lorrelle has put her stamp on some of Seattle’s most notable properties. She works at the intersection of asset management and property management to provide a hassle-free way for owners to optimize their multi-family.

Lorrelle is a Seattle native and enjoys hiking, skiing and traveling. She has a passion for wellness and loves traveling to hydrothermal spas all over the world.